Feriebolig-Spania.no har drevet med formidling av feriehus i Spania siden 2002. Vi har i løpet av disse årene fått en solid kjennskap til leiemarkedet som vi vil gjerne dele med boligeiere for å øke synlighet av akkurat din husutleie annonse.
Nedenfor finner du noen enkle steg som hjelper deg på vei til å oppnå en høyere leieinntekt. Se gjennom vår seksjon for huseeierens FAQ og bli inspirert til å lage en annonse for din feriebolig som fungerer bra.
Consider the fact that for a potential guest, you are a stranger that they are entrusting with not only their money but their holiday. So even before any contact is established, be aware that any potential guests are booking their family holidays without a safety net. With that in mind, it’s very important that your advert reflects trust, using the following tips:
Information that should be included in your advert:Logging into your user account involves two steps. The first step is entering your email and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can get a new one which we will send via email. Please note that after five wrong password attempts, your account will be blocked for 20 minutes. Each account can only have one registered email address, so it is also not possible to have two accounts with the same login email. The second step is providing a code which is sent via SMS to your phone. This is only required when 60 days have passed since the last time you logged in and provided a code or when you logged in from a different device. Read more about it here:
http://www.spain-holiday.com/rentalbuzz/extra-security-for-owners-login-2-step-verificationFor problems with login, you may contact support from your registered phone and we will assist you.
Great photos are your key tools. We want to emphasize the importance of ensuring your photos are of the best quality, as they basically rent out your holiday home for you. We advise you to ensure you have done the following:
All descriptions and notes must be written in English (as our default language). In addition, you can also write in any of the other available languages. There is no limit regarding the length of the description. You can write as much or as little as you like about your holiday home and area. We do ask that you write descriptions yourself and not copy from another holiday home advert on www.feriebolig-spania.no.
In general it is a good idea to not only highlight the positive features of your holiday home, but also the facilities in the local area. Write an informative description, not too long, not too short. People need to be informed but don’t want to be bored.
It is important to make an attractive advert that people just can't miss. We offer various tools in your account, that may prove important to your rental business. Here is a quick guide to some of the most important tools:
Nei, dette er ikke mulig. Hver annonse gjelder for ett feriehus med sin spesifikke ID. ID-en er unik for dette feriehuset og kan ikke overføres til en annen eiendom. Videre har hvert fritidshus et fast lisensnummer som også korresponderer med dette ID-nummeret. Til slutt; for å opprettholde den beste opplevelsen for gjestene, kan vi ikke overføre en spesiell annonse til en annen feriebolig, ettersom vurderingene av den forrige annonsen da ikke vil være sannferdig. Hvis en gjest allerede har bestilt feriehuset, kan det se ut som om det ikke lenger er tilgjengelig. I tilfelle et fritidshus ikke lenger er tilgjengelig eller du kansellerer annonsen av en eller annen grunn, vennligst informer supportteamet vårt. De vil ta annonsen offline. Husk at du ikke får tilbakebetalt penger i slike tilfeller.
Initially you must create the advert in your user account. However if you have doubts or technical issues doing this, our friendly support team is always here to give you effective support and to guide you through the process. Since you know your holiday home and local area best, you will be the best person to create your advert.
It will take 0-3 business days for your advert to appear online. Once it is ready, has been approved by our staff (via proof of ownership documents) and your payment has been received your advert will go online. At any time, you can login and make changes to your advert, however you cannot change the holiday home. Each advert is for one home and that cannot be modified. The invoice is created at the same time as receiving your payment and is available in your user account to download or to print out. Therefore, make sure that before paying, your personal details are correctly added to your account profile, as we don’t modify the invoices once these have been created.
Vi har tre typer abonnementer: Basic, Pluss og Premium.
Premium-annonsene blir alltid plassert øverst i hvert område, kyst, by og forstad.
Pluss-annonsene blir plassert nest høyest og etter Premium-annonsene utfra by og forsteder.
Basic-annonsene blir plassert under Premium- og Pluss-annonsene.
We have divided the page into different sections so visitors have several ways to locate your advert. They can search via area, ID, map, theme, popular destinations or advanced search on all languages. Furthermore your advert will, in time, become picked up by search engines including Google, Yahoo!, MSN and others which perform daily searches across all our sites.
Fraud happens and we all need to be alert. We closely monitor all enquiries and potential guests and if we find something suspicious about an enquiry we sent to you, we will notify you. You should be cautious about the following:
Ta kontakt med vår supportavdeling, og de vil sende deg en fil og instruksjoner for å overføre dine vurderinger fra andre nettsteder til våre. På din konto er det også en lenke der du kan invitere alle dine tidligere gjester til å skrive om din feriebolig på Feriebolig-Spania.no.
Du kan lese om hvordan vårt system for vurderinger fungerer her: http://www.spain-holiday.com/rentalbuzz/reviews-how-it-works
Do you own a private website for your holiday home? If so, you can insert a smart link which will show your calendar from Spain-Holiday.com on your own website. If you update your calendar from your account on Spain-Holiday.com it is immediately and automatically updated as well on your website. If at some point you choose to no longer advertise on Spain-Holiday.com, you will still be able to maintain your free booking calendar. All you need to do is insert a small piece of HTML code which is available on the page where you manage your calendar.
We also offer widgets for the price table, reviews and the image slideshow.
To avoid your enquiries ending up in your spam or junk folder we have set up a few extra features to ensure the safe delivery of your enquiries. If you use a web based email client like Hotmail, BTInternet, Telefonica, Yahoo! or Gmail you should add support@spain-holiday.com, enquiries@spain-holiday.com and noreply@spain-holiday.com to your contact list or whitelist.
Frequently login to your user account on Spain-Holiday.com to ensure you have received all your enquiries and use our secure inbox to reply them.
We have a few conditions which you will be asked to accept once you create your advert on Spain-Holiday.com. If you wish to read the detailed version, you may do so here: read our terms and conditions to advertise.
If you have questions which were not answered above, kindly contact us. You can also try looking through RentalBuzzz where we cover topics from the holiday rentals industry and help you become a successful holiday rentals homeowner.